Office of Community Standards

Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct

Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct

Alliot 205

Dear Saint Michael’s College Student:

It is with a great deal of pleasure that I welcome you to Saint Michael’s College.

The policies and guidelines outlined in the Student Code of Conduct reflect a comprehensive effort by the College President, Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, and students to update existing campus policies. Please familiarize yourself with these policies as you will be responsible for abiding by them. You may also want to refer to the Saint Michael’s College Catalog for more detailed information on academic policies.

Saint Michael’s College prides itself on providing a campus community where opportunities exist for students to learn and grow both in and out of the classroom. I encourage you to participate as fully as possible in the variety of academic, social and volunteer programs offered on campus. I trust that your time here at Saint Michael’s College will be one of learning and growth for you.


Dawn Ellinwood

Vice President for Student Affairs


“The mission of Saint Michael’s College is to contribute through higher education to the development of human culture and enhancement of the human person in the light of the Catholic faith.” Saint Michael’s strives to be an academic community, that promotes the pursuit of truth, the development of virtue, and high levels of excellence in all of its academic, social and religious programs with a view to bettering the human condition.

This is the mission of the academic community, which you have joined as a student at Saint Michael’s College. It is a community in which all members are expected to dedicate themselves to the pursuit of truth, a dedication in which honesty and integrity in academic work is a basic requirement for students and faculty alike.

Saint Michael’s is also a community in which students are expected to demonstrate and develop virtue, i.e., their personal dispositions to think and act in ways that contribute to the goodness of their relationships with others and with God. Among the virtues that Saint Michael’s expects in its students are the courage to act on one’s principles and in accordance with one’s conscience, the will to work hard in preparation for one’s life and career, the intelligent use of one’s talents and abilities, and the acceptance of personal responsibility, including the willingness to take initiative and to lead.

It is especially important in the Saint Michael’s community for each student to respect the dignity and rights of all other persons, to be attentive to the opinions and views of others and to demonstrate a respect for cultural diversity. A Saint Michael’s student should be unselfish and fair in relation to others, have a personal commitment to serve those in need and to promote peace and justice both within the College and in the world outside. Saint Michael’s also expects reliability in its students, self-control, and respect for themselves and others; especially in personal relationships and in decisions surrounding the use of alcohol or other drugs. Of course, the behavior of the Saint Michael’s student should always be characterized by common sense and good judgment.

The Student Code of Conduct describes various principles, which you are expected to abide by while a member of this community. Even more basic to the mission of Saint Michael’s, however, is your development as a human person “in light of the Catholic faith.”

We therefore hope that all your thoughts and actions will be guided by the principles, which Jesus Christ re-affirmed:

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.

The second is this.

You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.”

(Mark 12:31-32)

Please consult the Saint Michael’s College Student Code of Conduct for more information.

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